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Craftypaws: Hankie Sheep
How To Craft A Hankie Sheep | Materials1 paper hankie, 4" x 4" piece of cardboard, scissors, glue, and some colored pencils |
Step 1Draw parts of the sheep on the cardboard: body, head, ear, tail, and two legs | Step 2Cut the pieces out |
Step 3Glue the head, legs, ear and tail to the body | Step 4Rip the hankie into 4 parts, then each part into 6 smaller parts |
Step 5Squeeze the edges of a hankie piece together, forming a tiny bundle | Step 6Put glue at the back of the bundle and attach it to the sheep's body |
Step 7Make more bundles and attach them to the sheep's body until it's all covered | Sheep is all bundled up! |
Your sheep is done! You can draw an eye, mouth, and color the sheep if you like |
Make a hole on the sheep's back and put a loop of thread through it so you can hang it up on the wall or in the Christmas tree
Give your sheep a name and write it on the backside
Write a greeting on the backside and give the sheep to your friend for Christmas or their birthday
Hankie Sheep
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